Show Document LIbrary from another site collection on a Modern SharePoint Page

Here's a pretty good workaround for the lack of a cross-Site Collection Document library and not having to go to a fancy search interface or develop or buy an SPFx component.   Keep in mind that the user who's visiting the site where you're surfacing the library will need at least read access to the library.

  1. Go to the document library you'd like to surface, then go to the folder, etc. with the information you'd like to share.
  2. Copy the URL from the address bar.
  3. On the Modern Page/site where you'd like to show that document library/folder, add an Embed Web Part
  4. Add the following to your embed web part:
    <iframe src="URLYOUCOPIEDINSTEP1" width="100%" height="600"></iframe>

This experience allows people to navigate the library/folders without leaving the site they are on, but the docs open in their own tab.


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